Spotlight on Financial Planning
We like it when clients ask us their financial planning questions, so don’t hesitate to call. Here are a few we’ve helped answer recently:
- How do I create a stream of monthly income from my portfolio?
- Should I invest differently when I retire?
- How do Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) work?
- Should I tap my taxable account or retirement account when I need money?
- Can a Qualified Charitable Distribution reduce my taxes?
- Are annuities a rip-off? What’s a better way to reduce risk and provide income?
Introducing QuickStart

Detailed financial plans have their place, but a simple financial outline can often get you where you want to go. That’s why we’ve developed our new QuickStart.
If you’re approaching retirement, have sold or inherited property, or have simply built up savings over time, you may need help developing an investment strategy. A QuickStart discussion helps cover the basics. We’ll talk about your major assets, sources of income, goals, cash needs, and other factors. If you’re not sure what your goals are, we can start with what you think you may want.
QuickStart can get the ball rolling for a lot of people, and that’s a key reason we’re excited to make it available to clients.
For those who need a comprehensive financial plan, we can help with that, too. Katerina and Matt are both CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals and are well-qualified to do such detailed plans.
Overheard in Las Vegas
“You can lose a lot, no doubt about that.”
“Yeah, people with a big problem need one of those 800-numbers to get help.”
“Right, but sometimes if ya’ hit it just right, you can ride that momentum for a while and make a lot of money. “
“You sure can . . . Still, it’s probably best not to tell the wife what you’re doin’.”
Let’s “KonMari” the Financial Drama Industry

Whatever happened to Marie Kondo?
Last January, the “tidying consultant” from Japan caused an avalanche of donations to thrift stores when her Netflix series appeared. With the KonMari Method, things that no longer “spark joy” are donated or tossed. Doing so, she says, brings mental clarity and a sense of calm.
What if Marie offered her Method to investors? Could they find clarity and calm by turning off the financial drama industry? I mean the nerve-wracked, could-this-be-the-end-of-the-world media reaction to ups and down of the economy and stock market.
Imagine Marie visiting homes and offices, asking: Does listening to this drama help you? Do you make better decisions? Wouldn’t it be better to turn it off?
What investors need to know is fairly simple. Does the country still welcome business investment? Do they own sound, well-managed companies that can handle – and even profit from – the inevitable ups and downs of the economy? Most other commentary can be ignored.

America First Investment Advisors, LLC is an independent investment advisor registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). Find more information about us in our Investment Brochure on Form ADV, filed with the SEC. https://www.am1st.com/forms/ADV.pdf
Registration with the Securities & Exchange Commission is not an endorsement by securities regulators and does not indicate that an advisor has attained a particular level of skill or ability. Be aware that past performance is no indication of future performance, and that wherever there is the potential for profit there is also the possibility of loss.